Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Painter X Tutorial Bundle

I am happy to say that the tutorial bundle of Painter X Tutorials is now ready! It has been an uphill battle trying to get these tutorials done. A true labor of love.
At first, I tried to dump all the files to .avi format and that was just waaaaayyy too large. I actually purchased a brand new computer specifically for the tutorials because my older computer just buckled when I had Painter AND Camtasia on at the same time. So the .avi files ate up darn near all my new hard drive. And I was only half finished with the tutorials. So I relented and went ahead and put them into the .wmv file format
It is much more forgiving, not really lacking in quality as far as picture quality and sound quality. I'm very happy with the outcome so far.
And anyone who buys a bundle, or any of the other tutorials, I would like to get feedback on the whole experience. I highly value all my customers opinions.
Painter X Tutorials Bundle

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Thank you!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Painter X Tutorials On The Way

I'm finishing the production now on 4 tutorials:

Portrait in Oils

Full Body Bride

Girl with Flowers

Semi-Nude Woman in Bath

It has been a learning experience to say the least. I can only offer these tutorials unfortunately through DVDs. The Portrait in Oils tutorial is well over 8 gigs. I am using high quality AVI video files to give the most defined detail.

Thanks for reading,

Painter X Tutorials

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Painter Tutorials

I am almost ready to post the new painter tutorials on my site. It's been very hard toget these going. I got a new computer and am having to face a lot of technical issue but so far it is coming along.

I will have "Portrait in Oils", "Girl with Flowers", "Full Body Bride" and "Semi-Nude Woman in Bath" tutorials. I take the veiwer step by step throughout the whole prcess of the painting. From pulling it into Photoshop for the prep work and finally into Painter X for the full painting.

I don't have them up yet but I will by the end of the week.

It's been nerve racking and exciting all at the same time. Just one tutorial takes up multible gigs so I may have to include 2 DVDs instead of one in the package.

Quality stuff. The painting from start to finish.

I love Painter X!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Full Body Painting Tutorial

I am working now to complete a tutorial on painting a full body painting in Painter X. I went ahead and painted the example picture to see how it will turn out BEFORE I actually start recording the process. It has turned out beautifully!
I have already recorded the prep work done in Photoshop and that has turned out pretty well. Though I do hate the way I sound on audio. :(

Every time I work in Painter, I am happily reaffirmed that Painter is one of the most exciting programs I've ever seen or had the pleasure to work with.

Painter X Tutorials

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Painter X Tutorials

Hello Painter X enthusiasts!
I am starting this blog for people who are trying to begin Painter X or for anyone who just loves Painter X as much as I do and who is looking for some good Painter X Tutorials. I have actually been a web developer for a good few years now and think that Painter X is such an awesome program. So many things you can do with Painter X. I remember when I discovered Flash and the great capabilities of that program and feel much the same about Painter X.

The only way I know how to describe Painter X is that it is a "beautiful program". And in looking to try and educate myself, mostly through the Internet, I found a lack of tutorials to show me exactly what I wanted to learn.

I wanted to learn about how to make images look like paintings. And not just make them look like painting, but to make them look like surreal, beautiful paintings.

I love Painter X and just want to help people along the way to get the most they can out of Painter X and not stumble through it like I have. I'll be offering tutorials on PainterXTutorials.com.

Thanks for reading! :)
