Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Painter X Tutorials On The Way

I'm finishing the production now on 4 tutorials:

Portrait in Oils

Full Body Bride

Girl with Flowers

Semi-Nude Woman in Bath

It has been a learning experience to say the least. I can only offer these tutorials unfortunately through DVDs. The Portrait in Oils tutorial is well over 8 gigs. I am using high quality AVI video files to give the most defined detail.

Thanks for reading,

Painter X Tutorials

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Painter Tutorials

I am almost ready to post the new painter tutorials on my site. It's been very hard toget these going. I got a new computer and am having to face a lot of technical issue but so far it is coming along.

I will have "Portrait in Oils", "Girl with Flowers", "Full Body Bride" and "Semi-Nude Woman in Bath" tutorials. I take the veiwer step by step throughout the whole prcess of the painting. From pulling it into Photoshop for the prep work and finally into Painter X for the full painting.

I don't have them up yet but I will by the end of the week.

It's been nerve racking and exciting all at the same time. Just one tutorial takes up multible gigs so I may have to include 2 DVDs instead of one in the package.

Quality stuff. The painting from start to finish.

I love Painter X!